Dekorum ( Gaspesian Metal / Metal Gaspésien )
Founded at the end of 2012 / Fondé à la fin 2012
Former members: Jean-Philippe Desgagnés ( Drums )
Membres: Steve Tremblay ( Bass )
Dave Berube ( Rythmic Guitar )
Pascal Fortin ( Rythmic & Lead Guitars )
Rod ( Vocals )
Dekorum is a metal band influenced by the 80s and 90s metal bands : Megadeth, Metallica, King Diamond, Slayer, Kreator, Anthrax. / Dekorum est un band metal influencé par les groupes metal des années 80 et 90 tels que: Megadeth, Metallica, King Diamond, Slayer, Kreator, Anthrax.
Actually working on a first album. The release date will soon be announced. / Travaille actuellement sur un premier album. La date de lancement sera annoncée sous peu.